Thank You - I made it to 100 subs - Onwards & Upwards!

2 years ago

A thank you!!
I started this Channel in October to raise awareness, and add fun topics and educational information in a common sense way - it is a bit of a mixed bag so far, I am still finding my feet. This morning I reached 100 subscribers, which may be nothing to other Youtubers - but this is a big step for me.
Thank you to @TrevorCoult_MC who gave me a shout out and promotes raising each other up. If like me you are just starting out - happy to like share and subscribe & chat about issues or things you have found helpful or not & likewise!
Thank You to all my subscribers so far and those hopefully still to come - I look forward to hopefully creating content you will find something in to like :)
Feedback always welcome :)

The theme song to The Golden Girls (1985-1992). This is the extended version. Corey Newsome

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