America is Toast, God's Judgement is Here

1 year ago

The United States is going down, here are some things I found in the news that tell me that we are under God's judgement.
1. Teenager was delivered from a demon; He said he remember when the demon entered him while he was playing a video game?

These satanic games are no joke and can and do lead to demonic possessions?

2. Chinese kids are learning to disassemble and reassemble firearms in Grade School. VIDEO CLIP

Our school kids of the same age are learning boys can become girls from a drag queen?

3. The Ohio Train Derailment, people you are on your own.

Decided to burn the chemicals, smart? VIDEO CLIP

4. Utah Police Station was given over to the United Nations for a compound.

UN now has a heavy presents in The United States, UN Vehicles are seen everywhere, abandoned Walmart buildings house UN Vehicles.? VIDEO CLIP

5. The Super Walmart,

Built with guard tower frames and usually along railroad tracks? VIDEO CLIP

6. Biden signed an agreement with the WHO World Health Origination agreeing to obey all the recommendations put down during any future pandemics.

This one world government is already here, I have a feeling that something is going to happen and in space of one minute life as we know it will be gone forever?

You'll wake up that morning and it will be just another day.

Keep your preps up.

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