Murder suspect is fatally shot when he advances towards LASD deputies with a knife

2 years ago

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Homicide investigators are continuing their investigation into the circumstances surrounding a deputy-involved shooting of a male adult.

Homicide investigators responded to the scene to investigate circumstances surrounding the death of a female adult found stabbed Sunday, Jan. 8, at Bouquet Canyon Road and Spunky Canyon Road in Santa Clarita.

During the course of their investigation into the homicide, investigators and deputies saw an adult male walking on a dirt access road adjacent to the road where the body of the female was discovered. The dirt access road is private, and cordoned off by a barbed wire fence.

The deputies contacted the male. Shortly after contact with the deputies, the male produced a knife. Deputies attempted to safely detain the male. However, during the encounter, the male advanced toward the deputies, at which point a deputy involved shooting occurred.

The male was pronounced dead at the scene.

Investigators are working to determine if any connection exists between the murder of the female adult and the male involved in the deputy involved shooting.

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