The Barry & Honey Sherman Murders, Trudeau's Childbase Strangler Games, blackmail, and more

1 year ago

Source: A Warrior Calls

Davids research tells him this COVID VIRUS came from the molecular lab of the University of British Columbia sponsored by the mentors of the Trudeau Foundation AFTER the Gain of Function funding$$ moratorium was LIFTED 7 days after the MURDERS of billionaire biotech couple Barry & Honey Sherman on December 13th 2017 where they were strangled to death before being propped up on their pool railing and belts put around their necks to change the crime scene for the police. Barry Sherman was a brilliant man and founder of APOTEX and had lots of lawsuits against the big pharmaceutical companies about various patent frauds but at the end of the day if Barry Sherman was still alive he would have been able to blow the whistle on the dangers of lifting the GAIN OF FUNCTION FUNDING$$ moratorium and it got lifted 7 days after his death.

David mentions this article written up by someone about the murders and says it is good but the conclusion is not right. Solve the Barry & Honey double murders and you will take down this organized crime syndicate.

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