KanekoaTheGreat DavidSacks talks about Donald Trump's criticism of Victoria Nuland's ....

1 year ago

talks about Donald Trump's criticism of Victoria Nuland's involvement in the ousting of Ukraine's democratically elected government in 2014:

"Nuland is the Fauci of this situation. In the same way that Fauci was supposed to be protecting us from viruses, and then he funded gain of function research, Victoria Nuland was supposed to be our chief diplomat with respect to Russia and Eastern Europe. And what did she do instead?

She ginned up this conflict by backing an insurrection in Ukraine in 2014... They brought in these Ukrainian far-right nationalists as the muscle. She was the State Department official who was responsible for backing this insurrection of a democratically elected leader in 2014...

Ever since then, the relationship with the Russians over Ukraine has been heading south. If you are wondering why Putin seized Crimea, it was in direct retaliation for the coup that we backed in 2014. This is the origin of the conflict, and the fact that Trump is willing to talk about it is pretty incredible."
12:10 AM · Feb 25, 2023

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