1 year ago

Because I have surrounded you with MYSELF- because when I keep you in deep darkness its to keep you hidden from those who would try to permeate My structures to cause them to go awry outside of the glory. They are trying to sabotage what I have had you creating. So when you feel as if nothing is happening just know tat I have hidden you in the time frame to where the enemy cannot interrupt what I am doing in/through you. This is why I need you to trust me- in knowing tat I FINISH what I start. DO YOU?
The Wealth Transfer is what God is moving us into but we are entering into His Latter Glory first. With all the REVIVALS breaking out all around us in College campuses as God is drawing all HIS TRUE saints to Himself for the times for which we now live.
I do not believe it is the very end times because the Glory can last for years – this first glory lasted for almost 35 years….and we just stepped into the Latter Glory this past Sunday. I have sensed that this latter glory was a set up for the wealth transfer for those who have been obedient in coming up higher into Gods presence to help Heaven here into the earth realm. Because God is about to pour out Heaven here in the earth realm to prove to the world that IT PAYS to serve a Holy God!
With God pouring out His majesticness to His Josephs to steward His NEW MOVE with MAJOR WEALTH transfers while God moves those hearts OUT OF THE WAY Who would dare try to come into His heart in their fleshly ways. Ways of greed, or trying to continue on in their own agendas KNOWINGLY – KNOWING that it was wrong in Gods eyes. Because THIS NEW MOVE IS ALL ABOUT PURENESS OF HEART. TO DRAW in heaven into the lives of those who have rid themselves of everything that keeps them earthbound. SO that heaven can pour itself out through them!

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