YOU are to Blame for High Egg Prices! (PT. 2)

1 year ago

(PT 2) Supply and Demand. It is basic. Consumers incentivized egg-laying factories--literally putting our eggs in one basket... This part mentions the national security implications of this foolish policy.

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Description continued....

Everything is fine until the Egg Factory goes down, which is virtually inevitable.

As with eggs, so with multiple items, from produce to widgets. It is dangerous to create a bottleneck like this when it comes to food and other essentials, however. It obviously opens up the possibility that something upstream can break.... which means there could be pain, suffering, and even death downstream. Ya know, cuz these are essentials.

We need a reversal of thought. Shop local, yes.... but buy from local producers. Yes, AND, do this for as many of your essentials as you can, diversifying your risk where appropriate. When the small farmers are incentivized as much as Big Chicken is, there will be beneficial 'knock on' effects.

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