Wikipedia: Hidden in Plain Sight

1 year ago

The phrase hidden in plain sight is considered by some to be one of the methods used by those who seriously contemplate ruling the world. They put the truth right out in the open, so nobody can see it. Hidden in plain sight. Only a master psychologist would understand human beings to such a degree to even consider such a course of action.

As a disclaimer, I know this article will probably be greeted with groans of disbelief, and possibly some hate mail, for even suggesting that Wikipedia is a source of truth.

“Wikipedia is controlled by the globalists ffs!!”

Newsflash #1: All digital information is controlled by the globalists, unless you want to share information in the woods, or speak out about the crushing weight of global power under a bridge to avoid censorship and monitoring by the NSA or CIA or whoever. Pick your favourite spy organisation.

“We are the first people in the history of the planet for whom this is true, the first people to be burdened with data immortality, the fact that our collected records might have an eternal existence. This is why we have a special duty. We must ensure that these records of our pasts can’t be turned against us, or turned against our children.”― Edward Snowden, Permanent Record

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