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AJ Barker | EP #9 | Kierkegaard, College Football & Converting to Catholicism from Atheism | Royce White

2 years ago

#roycewhite #ajbarker #catholicism


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  • Great interview! Thank you for introducing us to two interesting minds over the past two weeks.

  • Well done. Keep the great content coming

  • Royce- what is reverse racism? Isn’t racism just racism?

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  • Absolutely outstanding. Something to help my 20 to 40 year old loved ones with their atheism and despair. Thank you!

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  • Loved the episode. A TRULY impressive person. I see why the 2 of you are such close friends.....so many similarities.

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  • A bit like oiling the tin-mans joints. The main couple of things for mine is; - priorities & all-mighty at the top, envisaging the difference between the two - internal conflict/sin or exhibition of such/behaviors & the understanding/identification of that & especially the acceptance/acknowledgement & resolution I appreciate the introduction of 'bias' as a concept during the sports etc phase & my comment on that is bound to stretch out a-bit, apologies in advance... So with any human there are biases & they aren't all bad as far as I go. In accumulating experiences as we grow it seems as our brains/minds/psyche/intuition etc shape into maturity the collective shape consists of those elements for the most part. If I pick pairs/fruit from a tree & the ones I favor the most are yellower than green because I prefer softer than crunchy then it is likely/logical/on natures consistency/presentation that I trust/choose or apply bias next time I pick - all things being equal. Generally this can be seen as individual preference bias applicable by color reference/visual & accumulated in memory over time/previous experiences. As we grow/develop from cradle to the day - trust is inherent/applied/memorized. If I am about to do something that requires trust/significant risk element such as rock-climbing/tandem/group stuff then likely the brain searches for suitable matches in order to preserve ones well-being & that likely results in prior experience encounters. If I am at work, possibly playing sports etc earning a living the same applies as in the form of 'biases' which are basically a complex output of previous experiences. My point is that in team collective/work environment/general society the bias is a natural formation of trust where potential may exist for 'bias' to form into a group or collective psychosis of sorts with the absence of honest individual & collective reflection & consideration - including environmental etc integrity Grace thanks for the podcast

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  • this is still one of my favorites.

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