Interview Dr Peter McCullough

1 year ago

In this he goes into how medicine has become completely corrupted. He also acknowledges that this is not new. For decades, smoking's connection to lung cancer was covered up. This was promoted by Big Tobacco but a pliable and compliant medical profession let it continue. This was due to vast amounts of money being injected into the equation. In this scenario, it is Big Pharma that is buying the science and their proximity to the medical profession makes the relationship even more incestuous. The very people making policies are medical professionals that have revolving door careers with Big Pharma. If you make good policy for Big Pharma, you will be rewarded when you leave the public sector with a lucrative position at a pharmaceutical company.

I am concerned that he focuses too much on "emerging" viruses, like they are just organically occurring. Anything that is occurring, in my opinion, it planned. He also puts a great deal of hope in the health freedom movement. I am concerned that he is not focusing on how easy it was to get most people to trample your freedoms in the past 3 years. It can happen again.

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