Rebecca Sterling 1999 Vision of the future Tribulation

1 year ago

TOPICS: Obama, Economic Collapse, Food Shortages, Lack of Water, Riots, Killings on the streets, Meteorites, EMP's, Nuclear Bomb following emp, Solar Flares, Antichrist, FEMA Concentration Camps - labeled as Sanctuaries after the Event that destroys the Electrical Grid, Martial Law - military of soldiers -- possibly AI, Guillotines at camps for non-compliance.

Elite have Underground real estate and will go there near the event.

Obama believes he has been groomed to be the leader of the world, but he has been deceived.

Guesses? Elon, Trump, Xi?

It appears Rebecca Sterling's Timeline has been changed as a lot of this was to begin in 2015, but a lot is happening now.

Hopefully there has been a shift that will prevent this.

My personal belief is that Source God would never communicate anything that would or could cause mass hysteria.

I believe the light will expose the dark and light will win.

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