The Hope Hotline | S01-E12 | 02-24-23

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Question #1
Why does Hope get frustrated with me at times even though I’m the most perfect nephew.

Question #2
How do I know if I have truly forgiven someone who has really hurt me and continues to make my life hard?

Question #3
The question begins with a story of this person seeing an elderly man struggling with a basket of clothes, asks if they can help and the offer is accepted. They feel the prompting of the Holy Spirit to pray for the elderly man healing but do not because they felt uncomfortable. They asked, “how do we do this without being a weirdo with a stranger?”

Question #4
Would you ever gamble? If so, you won a 100 million dollar scratch off, what’s the first thing you would do?

Question #5
If people were surprised by how Jesus came the first time, how do we know when he’ll come again if he shows up differently than we expect?

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