D.I.Y. Life 4AM Episode #008 "Moral PNL"

2 years ago

D.I.Y. Life 4AM Episode #008 "Moral PNL"

Upcoming 3/3/2023 Episode #009, "Paper Route"

RESO to GOAL to Summit (Accomplished)

D.I.Y. Life 4AM Episode#001 'Punch List'
D.I.Y. Life 4AM Episode #002 ‘Never Miss A Rep’
D.I.Y. Life 4AM Episode #003 ‘Accountability Group’
D.I.Y. Life 4AM Episode #004 'Call Someone' Avoid Text
D.I.Y. Life 4AM Episode #005 ''SELF-EXAMINING''
D.I.Y. Life 4AM Episode #006 "RESET Start Over"
D.I.Y. Life 4AM Episode #007 "Just get a par"

We get 52 episodes in 2023 and we will keep going every year (Season 2 is 2024) with same titles but from a different perspective. EXCITED to see the book from this and yes it will happen in SPRING of 2024.

This episode is about what happens next; "Moral PNL" is about stopping for a moment and really writing down your true income and expenses for the month of February. It is good to do the actual PNL first, what money you take in and what is going out. From this exercise, do this for you #1 resolution.

Using Weight as an EXAMPLE:
What do I weigh?
What area of my body seems to be gaining more or loosing less?
How is my breathing?
Have I been sore or hurting in a area?

income is gym time, walking time, water breaks, vitamins, monitoring your breathing, stretching breaks, time-outs (go somewhere peaceful and stop and listen, sit, quiet yourself) etc. So many more healthy ways outside of the gym to monitor your income of health to you.

expenses is all your normal foods, treats, fatty foods etc. consumed for the month

WHAT is the BOTTOM Line- are you closer to your goal from Jan 1? are you the same? are you worse?

by @DIYin4D
Mission Motto: (Know Before You Go)

by @workinK9pups
Mission Motto: (ALWAYS workin, ALWAYS improving)


Motto: Know before you GO and if you DON'T Know you will PAY to Know

D.I.Y in 4D is always trying to improve and looking for the unseen is hopefully
going to save you TIME, the most precious resource and in the end
money and material resources.

HOPE this helped, take care, be safe and Blessing & PEACE

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