“Over Smoking - just reminded me …”

1 year ago

[Reflective & Contemplative Poem Collection] - Sometimes, we do the things that we know will not serve us! Yet, nature has a balm and a cure for everything. I have found that Cayenne Pepper is one of nature’s miracles and can preserve health and save lives. The book I refer to is not the only source of this information!!

In putting this video together, I found out that Dr. Tanton died in 2017 and I offer my Sincere Condolences to his Family, Friends and Colleagues, may he Rest in Peace.

This little poem is me sharing my appreciation of the knowledge that served me. It is now part of a poem collection that I refer to as 'Reflective & Contemplative’ which contains ‘an Analytical and Pensive blend of observational ditties!’

Poem Wording below:-

‘Over Smoking – just reminded me …’

Over smoking – I should know better!!
Countering it now, with a dose of ‘cayenne pepper’.
It’s a great protector
Keeps both the ‘blood flowing’ and also
Somehow, makes it’s ‘coagulation’ better.
One of the contradictory anomalies of this spice.
I know it has uses to save lives.

I always keep some in my bag you know
Part of a ‘lifesaving emergency kit’
It’s recommended in a book of health information
From a doctor I can respect.
Who looks at a miscellany of drugs we get prescribed
It’s laid out well, and quite circumspect!
In it he describes various medications
And the impacts they have on our insides.
How to replace them with other concoctions
In order to, not just stay alive, but to heal even thrive.

The name of the author – Dr. David W. Tanton.
It’s title “A Drug Free Approach to Healthcare” -
‘For Disease prevention – Not Symptom Suppression’
I just thought for this information to share.
It may help to heal or save someone for whom we care.
So, find it and please further share.

Must try and sent him a copy of this poem!
Let him know his work has been much appreciated.
‘Twas shared by my father to me.
While he was stepping back from a diabetes brink.
So, it’s now part of our family heritage.
I do feel, it is particularly meritorious.
Well done, Dr. DWT, from me and
No doubt others in our world’s family tree.



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