Arrow Class: Genesis 34:10

1 year ago

Arrow Class: Genesis 34:10

Shechem and his father wanted Jacob and his family to be apart of the community! Not only with Dinah marrying someone from the city, but with Jacob and his family owning more land and trading with the people! Today let’s read Genesis 34:10 and pretend play! Have your Tiny Arrow grab some objects that they can “trade” and have them move to a different room of the house, like the living room. Be in the living room and have a few things you can “trade” too! Then have them introduce themselves as a newcomer in town and ask you if they want to trade! Just like Shechem and his father wanted Jacob to trade!

“You can settle among us; the land is open to you. Live in it, trade in it, and acquire property in it.”
Genesis 34:10

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