ShitaMachi Casual Japanese Season 1 Episode 9: aisu aisu baby

2 years ago

Ever Wanted to Learn Casual Japanese? You know, like the stuff that they speak at your local Japanese bars or in your favorite Japanese games? Then this is the podcast for YOU! In this episode of the Shitamachi Underground Japanese Podcast, Tarik and Jay go through the methods of ordering food. We also discuss something that you probably are: A Smelly Virgin.
Today's conversation revolves around Niko ordering food at a Restaurant:

Niko: Ano, Sumimasen.
Ten-in: Hai, irasshaimase!
Niko: Koko wa hajimete nan de, osusume wa nan desu ka?
Ten-in: Etto, kochira no matcha banira aisu wa oishii desu yo.
Niko: Jaa, sonomatcha banira aisu o hitotsu kudasai.
Ten-in: Hai, matcha banira aisu o hitotsu. Nanika nomimono wa ikaga desu ka?
Niko: iie, kekkou desu.
Ten-in: Kashikomarimashita!
Link to Tarik's other content:

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