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15 seconds

Shariraye END TIMES Feb 24, 2023

2 years ago

We will update the video link on telegram soon:
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if you LOVE President Trump! ❤️ and Will Trump Stage a Comeback in 2023


  • 0/2000
  • Thank you, Shari for the Intel. God Bless you 👼💖💥

  • SheriRaye, Have you seen the new calendar?

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  • REAL, GENUINE medbeds: REAL medbeds are currently being used by our military in the treatment of all diseases. Military medbeds are described in a Rumble video: QspecialForces, dated 12/8/2022. Also the three different military medbeds were more recently explained in a Rumble video by Judy Byington, dated 2/2/2023. 'KNOCK-OFF' medbeds are regularly advertised by Shariraye. She continuously reads her advertisement 'script' video after video, KNOWING full well that: 1) HER advertised units are NOT the real medbeds being used by our military; 2) the military don't use 'biohealers'; 3) the real military medbeds are NOT available for purchase by the public; 4) the real military medbeds require extensive training in the diagnosis and treatment of health issues, (it only makes sense!) 5) the real military medbeds "work for everyone, regardless of psychological or health issues", as opposed to her units that did not work for 5 of us (3 men, 2 women); 6) the military does not use her two pricey 'medbed canisters' that she claims can be placed under any old bed and it supernaturally becomes her 'version' of a medbed. At best, Shariraye is being deceptive; at worst, she is dishonest and lacking in 'christian' ethics. Don't be duped, save your money!