Your Headache is All in Your Neck!

1 year ago

Episode 112 : Your Headache is All in Your Neck! with Jono Taves

Did you know your neck is often the most likely underlying cause of your migraine??? Say that again?!

Secondly when it comes to chronic headaches and migraines, our medical system doesn't match patients with the right provider. It focuses on symptom management as the go-to solution- think pills for prevention, pills for headache, pills for side effects of the pills…

As providers, we need to work together to push towards a more holistic approach towards healthcare that is patient-centered, conservative and collaborative. But how?

Today’s guest is Dr. Jono Taves - the owner of Novera: Headache Center and host of The Headache Doctor Podcast. As a Physical Therapist who specializes in headaches and migraines he has seen an overlooked and misunderstood cause of headaches and migraines that when evaluated and treated can have a profound impact on the patient’s life. His mission is to educate and empower everyone with headaches and migraines to break free from a life of fear and dependence on medication so that they can thrive in everything they do.

Topics we cover today:
Why the neck needs a proper evaluation.
How can migraine symptoms stem from your neck?
What to look for in a provider and how to advocate for yourself when it comes to migraine/headaches.
And most importantly…….Movement as medicine and to treat migraine with alternative therapies other than PILLS!

More about our guest!
My name is Dr. Jono Taves, I am a doctor of physical therapy and the owner and founder of Novera: Headache Center and host of The Headache Doctor Podcast. After receiving my Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the Mayo Clinic I was introduced to a type of hands-on physical therapy that is focused on treating the neck and jaw. It was then that I dedicated my career to deepening my understanding of this treatment and the incredible impacts it can make in my patient’s lives.

Check out New Leaf Hyperbarics in Eugene, OR and experience the benefits of hyperbaric therapy!


Find Jono Taves here:
Novera Headache Center
The Headache Doctor Podcast

For his best performing videos check out:

Our Advice!
Everything in this podcast is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute the practice of medicine and we are not providing medical advice. No Physician-patient relationship is formed and anything discussed in this podcast does not represent the views of our employers.

The Fine Print!
All opinions expressed by the hosts or guests in this episode are solely their opinion and are not to be used as specific medical advice. The hosts, May and Tim Hindmarsh MD, BS Free MD LLC, or any affiliates thereof are not under any obligation to update or correct any information provided in this episode. The guest's statements and opinions are subject to change without notice.

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