Aug 18, 2009 🎺 The Lord says... It is Time for the Son of Man to be glorified through His Servants

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It is time for The Son of Man to be glorified through His servants

August 18, 2009 - From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy During an Online Fellowship, For a Brother in Christ, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord to His servant… My son, when you have made your decision, and behold, there it is within your heart, I will finish it. Therefore call upon Me, for it is time.

My son, think not that I have come to tread upon the wicked of heart only. For I have come to tread upon all principalities and powers, upon the rulers of the darkness of this age, upon spiritual wickedness in high places… Upon ALL things which attempt to lay hold on My witnesses or prevent them by any means! For I tell you the truth, these cords shall be broken! Evil shall not rise up a second time! I AM THE LORD.

Therefore, My son, look not to tomorrow, for today is the day; today is when you must decide, even this very moment. For in this short time remaining you must overcome. You must give up your life for My sake, or how shall I send you? For as it is written... Those who do not take up their cross and follow in My footsteps are not fit to be My disciples; for they have shown themselves unworthy. And how shall one who loves his father or mother, or son or daughter, more than Me, escape? For they too have shown themselves unworthy of Me. Thus many are called, yet few are chosen.

Yet understand this, My son… As I have spoken it, so shall it be. For there is a day coming when I shall come upon My chosen and overshadow My elect, a day when all My faithful ones shall fly away, a day when all My beloved shall be made new.

And in that day, My son, the prophet’s reward shall be yours, if you too remain faithful… Gird up your loins therefore, and become that man of God you aspire to be; stand firm for My cause, and do not waver; yea, draw very close and receive of Me. For indeed My grace is sufficient for all those who trust in Me. I am The Lord.

Now is the time for My strength to be made perfect, for My servants to make their decision and to lay all their weaknesses at My feet… Now is the time for My servants to stand up, to make their decision known…

It is time for The Son of Man to be glorified through His servants, even as The Father is glorified through The Son… It is time for The Holy One of Israel to receive great glory!… I AM COME.

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