Sen. Ron Johnson: CDC Is HIDING mRNA Vaccine Injury Data. LIVE w/ Dr. Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew

1 year ago

Senator Ron Johnson sent letters to the CDC three times in 2022, seeking clarity on the agency's monitoring of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events. ••「 CALL IN: 」•• In a June 2022 reply, the CDC claimed not to have conducted a Proportional Reporting Ratio analysis. However, a CDC official from the agency's Vaccine Safety Team contradicted this in July 2022, saying the CDC had been performing PRRs since Feb 2021 and continues to do so. If the science is on their side, why is the CDC working so hard to hide mRNA vaccine injury data?
Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin was elected in 2010. He served as the Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee from 2015-2021 and is now the ranking member for the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. He also serves on the Budget, Foreign Relations, and Commerce, Science and Transportation committees.
Follow him at or his official government account at

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