20230223-Hells Coming, Are You Scared Yet

1 year ago

Back in September (20220922) I was thinking about Strauss and Howe's Generations Theory and how, according to it, we're in a Fourth Turning.

Fourth turnings are characterized by economic and social crises, and a major war.

Three years of COVIDiocy; discouraging people from working, throttling the economy and pumping up the money supply have us in an economic crisis.

Germany's producer price index topped 50% last fall, and sanctions on Russia have energy inflation soaring.

Sanctions have also quadrupled the cost of nitrogen based fertilizer (Russia and Belorussia produce something like 1/2 the world's supply). Add in Trudeau's and Biden's war on energy doubling the price of diesel and you have a food inflation crisis.

Leaving aside the woke dipshittery, and the Branch COVIDian stupidity of casting out 20% of the population as the dirty, unclean "other," do you think 25% food inflation is a recipe for social harmony?

We're rerunning the 1930s playbook page by page. All that is left is for the NeoCon shitbags in Washington to get into an get us into the actual shooting part of the war in Ukraine and we've completed the trifecta.

Do you think there is anything which will stop them? I don't.

Are you scared yet?

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