Jacobson v. Massachusetts, Informed Consent, Confusion, and Consequences

1 year ago

Lawsuits, legal precedent, misunderstood court rulings, informed consent, potential crimes… OH MY! Seriously though, the conversations we’ve been having are totally incomplete. While I do not have a legal background, I attempt to ask questions and point out facts in order to try and advance the conversation.

In this episode you’ll hear about an outdated court ruling from 1905, Jacobson v. Massachusetts, that has been consistently expanded to strip rights away from people for over 100 years. The problems from this obscure court ruling have wide ranging effects and will continue to be a problem if we allow it. What would it take to correct the problem in order to be rid of this terrible precedent?

Show Notes - Visit my Substack for all the show notes. Published 2/23/23

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