God's Courageous Leaders

1 year ago

Our world desperately lacks courageous leaders like Winston Churchill. Discover the only place where you can find courageous leaders today.


Winston Churchill understood that there can be no compromise with evil. While other leaders tried desperately to appease Hitler, Churchill inspired his nation to stand up and fight back against the Nazi war machine. Today, historians credit Winston Churchill’s courage with saving Western civilization.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Winston S. Churchill: The Watchman to learn how this courageous leader prepared Britain for war and inspired the nation to absolute victory.
Study Winston S. Churchill: The Watchman to learn vital lessons that apply to your spiritual war. God constantly sends true Christians into spiritual battles. Following Jesus Christ requires determined daily fighting.

Churchill was willing to fight Hitler to the death. You must be willing to do whatever it takes to vanquish the evil spirit forces besieging mankind all the time. Through spiritual warfare, God is training leaders with courage that will last forever!

Also, request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet ‘We Have Had Our Last Chance.’ American General Douglas MacArthur issued this warning at the end of World War 2, declaring that mankind would not survive another worldwide conflict. MacArthur proposed an unusual solution to the threat of human extinction: improvement of human character plus divine intervention!

Have we taken Douglas MacArthur’s warning to heart? Where are the real leaders today? Who is crying out for mankind to repent of sin and return to God? Study ‘We Have Had Our Last Chance’ to prove, as MacArthur declared, that “it must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh.”

You will also receive a copy of Gerald Flurry’s free book Isaiah’s End-Time Vision. Thousands of years ago, the Prophet Isaiah foretold a deadly curse on our nations in this end time: a crippling lack of courageous leaders. Since the days of Winston Churchill and Douglas MacArthur, we have seen hardly any courageous leaders at all! Yet again, the Bible proves to be ahead of its time.

Study Isaiah’s End-Time Vision for God’s solution to our lack of courageous leaders. His plan to train and raise up more courageous world leaders has already begun!

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Winston S. Churchill: The Watchman, ‘We Have Had Our Last Chance,’ and Isaiah’s End-Time Vision. Order now!

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