The Pedo Files Ep1

2 years ago

A New York parole board has granted parole to the state’s longest-serving inmate in the state’s prison system.

James Moore pled guilty to 1st degree murder after 14-year-old Pamela Moss of Penfield was raped and murdered in 1962.

Moore had agreed to spend the rest of his life in prison to avoid the death penalty, an arrangement Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley said the victim’s family agreed to so that they would be assured that Moore would never live outside of prison again.

But a decade later, Doorley said that changes in state law allowed him to go before the Parole Board, which he has done more than 20 times before being granted parole recently.

In a statement released Tuesday, Doorley noted that according to Moore's confession, the last thing that Moss said was "please..."

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