Valholl Gear Gel Ear Cups

1 year ago

You can find the gel cups here:

The Howard Leight Impact Sport amplified hearing protection is probably one of the best options at the price point. But, the ear cups honestly leave something to be desired. Especially if you've had them for awhile or just spend a lot of time wearing them.  At that point you'll rapidly wish they were more comfortable. Enter the Valholl Gear Gel Ear Cups. They are, in a word, amazing. It is a night and day difference if you are used to the old Howard Leight ones.

Now granted, they cost close to the price of the Impact Sport Ear Pro, but they are in my opinion worth it. Whether you are out hunting or putting in some hours at the range shooting, they make it so much more comfortable. Allowing you to concentrate on the task at hand rather than being distracted by discomfort.

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