Challenging Social Mantras - with Myles Wakeham

1 year ago

Life should be a wonderous thing. Human beings have a wonderful talent to overcome challenges, climb mountains, achieve greatness and evolve ourselves forward. We are, after all, the only species on this planet that is gifted with the ability to make tools that allow us to evolve. It started with fire, the wheel, the written word. We mastered physics and electricity. We built massive information exchanges and artificial intelligence. We mastered transport and space travel and we created the ultimate Utopia for humanity in the universe.

But somewhere along the way, we lost the map. And we wandered off into a dark and barren place. A place we really only have ourselves to blame for meandering into.

Evil things happen slowly over time. One day the world is a positive and caring place. A place you want to be and your motivation to be the best YOU is with you.

Then life happens. Bit by bit you lose your way. Distractions, obligations, expectations, etc. They all prey on our sanity to the point where you become a victim to them. This is not a life. This is not what you signed up for.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. People were supposed to be happy and secure in their lives. They were expected to live to a ripe old age, have something to show for their lives, to give to their kids, to leave the world a better place. But rather than this being a wonderful world, it often looks more like a scene from The Walking Dead. Utopia becomes Dystopia.

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