3 Witnesses~ proof that the "Defacto" State corporation weaponizes Motherhood

1 year ago

When 2 or more are gathered as witness it becomes a fact/truth. Here are 3 women standing witness to the fact that these defacto corporations masquerading as legit "government" whereby these "court systems" are systematically weaponizing motherhood and unlawfully stealing sons and daughters for public fund$ through a C.R.I.S. (Court Registry Investment System) and or a Title IV-D agency which is created as a subcontractor of the Executive Branch of a fraudulent corporation previously known as "the United States" which we believe is now called "the White House" in name only. The sub-contracted Title IV-D agency then uses legislative Statutes and drags you and your family into the Judicial Branch using Judicial Courts which is a major violation of the "Separation of Powers." When these corporate entities engage with men and women they are doing so under presumptions of the communists in Our Courthouses who are waging war against men and women aka American People, who have fraudulently been turned into franchises unbeknownst to them, thereby making ALL contracts with these fraudsters as VOID!
Not voidable, but void!
As we know that fraud vitiates all!
The best way that we know to deal with these agents who are actors and don't even posses the Assumed Name Certificate, which is never on file with the Secretary of their State, therefore they cannot initiate "any" cause of action within these courts. See: Va. Code: 59.1-76)
We really need men and women to wake up to these frauds currently being perpetrated upon the American People without consent!
When and if a communist agent shows up at your door, hand them a W-9 form and ask them to fill this out and then come back, make sure to record the incident. https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf.

These career criminals do not posses the Power to man-steal & kidnap your offspring or you!
See: https://youtu.be/bP5sk5xp9WM

Please visit Tracy's website at:


Don't believe the United States acted in a corporate and defect capacity?
See: Title 28 UCS 3002 15 A: the United States is a federal corporation not a government

Knowing that why do they constantly call it a government? HHHmmmm???
It's All Fraud!!!
See: https://www.youtube.com/live/d8kJa8g_io0?feature=share

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