Can't we just keep the cover?

1 year ago

A last minute dealio of a video since the plan for this week ended up becoming another essay that sucked up all my time. My plan is to start work on the Cyborg Tinkerer NOW so I can still get it out by late March. That meant I had to get a quickie video out this week.
Not gonna lie, this video changed topics like....3 times while making it? First it was going to be about being original, than predictable descriptions on the back cover, and by the time I was editing I realized not only had I been DRASTICALLY short-sighted while reading off one of the descriptions for said book, but my blushing confession of buying a book simply because I liked the book cover might just be enough to stir the part.
I'm a hypocrite. I like pretty book covers. I will not typically by the book solely because I like the cover, but sometimes it only takes a little convincing.

Anyway, I have a few more ideas lined up to talk about book covers. One I'm excited about involves authors on authortube discouraging against or flatout SCOFFING at the idea of using canva for book covers instead of hiring a professional artist. A lot to get into as far as the description and synopsis of your story, what you might be saying and what you might want to say vs. what's going to hold a reader's attention or find your target audience.
Lots of stuff, so stay tuned!


(Where I upload pretty pictures of pretty book covers)


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