Radio Show Content. How To Improve As A Radio Presenter DJ. Radio Prep. Preparation.

1 year ago

How to build radio content for your show. Having great show content can dramatically improve your radio show.
Here are links to radio show content creation companies.

How To Improve as a presenter

Knowing how to put content together can rocket your show
I will show you how to source, compile and use content correctly on your show

Content for your radio show can be confusing for many presenters because they don’t know what it actually is. Some people think its lots of information like stories about
Musicians. Others think its just jokes. Some people even think that all the content is given to them by the radio station.

To be clear knowing what content to use and when to use it is very important.
If you are new to radio presenting and get a job on a small local or community radio station you will often
Be told “here are your 3 hours or whatever length of show you have and fill it with whatever percentage of talk time”.
This can be as low as 10 percent and as high as 70% or more. In most case you will have to provide between 20 % and 50 % of the show talk time.
The remaining percentage will be adverts or commercials, competitions, news and of course the music.

To jump straight into it you need to source your content which is mostly done online these days. You can either surf through sites and look for
Content such as local stories, happenings and interesting news items or you can sign up with content creation companies. I will put links in the description of these content companies.
Many of these content companies provide for prime time shows which your radio manager might not want or you could end up
doing the same stories as the prime shows. This is something you will need to chat about with your station manager.

The last thing you want is to have conflict with the stations prime presenters.
The main difference between prime shows and off peak shows is that the content for prime shows are more up to date topics that are the latest hot trending stories.
Like news related items or hot gossip and other very recent hot stories. These include jokes about the stories and hot scoops on the stories.
If for example you have an early show at say 5AM and you do a story that a breakfast presenter will do at 6AM you will have a huge conflict coming your way.
But you must also learn how to use this hot content to be sure you can move up to a prime show in the future.
Often the best as a new presenter is to source stories a little bit off the beaten track that won’t be the highest trending stories.

If you are a prime presenter though you do want to source the best hottest most trending stories. You want the best jokes about them and the latest updates.
This is where signing up with content creation companies can make a huge difference. Keep in mind though that the content might very likely be used by your competition.
Radio stations in the same genre as yours could have presenters with just as good content or even better. This is where your delivery of the content makes all the difference.
Often prime time shows will have cohosts to help deliver the jokes and it helps to have another person laugh at your jokes on air. If you are presenting alone, landing the punchline of
A joke can be very difficult and not having someone laugh at your joke can make it sound flat and a bit lame.
This is another reason to avoid the prime time content if you are doing an off peak show.

This type of prime time content is also only one type of many. SO to show your station manager that you are a shining start presenter you need to show off your creativity
And come up with content not anywhere else on your radio station that is as attractive or even more attractive than the prime show content. An example it interactive shows where callers would respond
To what you are doing for example doing a “would you rather bit” where callers would choose between two crazy options. This can be fun and interactive for your listers and can build up your radio persona.
Advertisers love caller interaction as well because it shows that you have real listers and that they are active not just passive listeners.
You can also have competitions even if you don’t have a prize. Often listeners just want people to know that they are the winner or the smartest person etc.
So for example having the brain of the day type of feature where just being able to figure out the answer to a question like a brain teaser or riddle can have the person named the brain of the day. The week etc.
This can get just as much interaction as a competition with a prize.
One thing though to keep in mind is that smaller stations often struggle to get callers and the listeners might not be used to being interactive if the presenter who had the show before you got it didn’t have these kinds of features they wont be used to it.

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