QSI Weekly Wednesday Panel Call - HISTORY OF BANKING CABAL (February 22, 2023)

1 year ago

Weekly Wednesday Calls @ 8am CST / 2pm UTC / 1am Melbourne
Livestream link: https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative?livestream

Today's call discusses the following topics:

- The rise of Central Banks
- The history of Ashkenazi Jews, Khazarians, Zionists
- Truth behind Russian-Ukrainian war
- US Rainbow Notes in 1869
- Did Juan O'Savin say QFS & GESARA/NESARA are a Ponzi Scam?
- Turkish "earthquakes": Is it as bad as the media are saying it is and what are the reasons behind it?
- 3M and CEMEX patents on adrenochrome and disposing of human remains
- Khazarian takeover of US Food & Drug Administration

Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTwL6hN75aPE0jd_W7z-LUNgw7Z0K30Oq_vxlLykSkEbLnBpmsuqBbswRV1Z7Fqcg/pub

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