The Clotshot Investigation! What Gives?

1 year ago

Did they really investigate themselves and incriminate themselves?

Don’t dream about that! It’s a trick! A defection from the real true evil PLAN!

When the "vax" turned out to be not the "vax" at all but the deadly killer that has been causing multi diseases, the corollary is the inevitable question: does such deadly Covid19 disease exist? Or rather does such "virus" exist at all at the first place?

Why have all of the "health freedom" fighter and their medical “experts” tried their best NOT to ask such fundamental question when the “unknown sudden death” become ubiquitous around the world?

Because they knew there is NO such tiny pathogen called VIRUS at all. There is no proof, not even a shred of evidence of its existence anywhere! But there is an existential interest and privilege derived from the “virus” and “government authority” that they have to protect!

THEY must protect the “virus” story and preserve the “need” of Government authority at all cost!

So you see, by formally investigating the “unexplained sudden” deaths and INDIRECTLY giving the “vague” impression of those death “somehow” related to the clotshot, THEY “vaguely” show to the guinea pigs majority that the system of government “starts working” again, and Justice will be served!

Anyway, as I have pointed out , base on proven facts, that the main target of this Covid clotshot is not to kill people en-mass, but to kill human fertility.

You don't reduce global populations by killing the living, since everyone will die anyway. You need to stop the replacement. You control and dictate the birth rate by destroying the fertility. That's the only effective way to reduce the population and keep it at permanent low level.

However, the whole PLAN is deeper and much eviler than just “population culling”, which has been used as the deflection from such true goal. I repeat, “population control/culling” is NOT their ultimate goal!

“COVID19, The Trigger: Total Control, Total Submission”

(I wrote the above piece WITHOUT the knowledge of NO VIRUS as I have today thanks to the NO VIRUS CAMP)

Their ultimate goal is to establish a permanent total and complete control of degraded-human society, in which not only the concept of human dignity, human freedom, privacy will be completely destroyed in human mind but the basic self-preservation instinct will be erased from human consciousness.

In one word, the human being as we know we are and live, will no longer exist but be transformed and degraded down to zoombian guinea pigs by chemical clotshot and government brute force.

Will they succeed?

They have been winning big.

And they will completely succeed if the remained pureblood minority won't band together and fight back to stop them.

Stop dreaming of waking up the majority. If you still hear some “guru” keep saying that “IF THE MAJORITY DOES THIS AND THAT” as a solution then that “guru” is either an idiot or a shill or both!

There is no majority in any movement of change at anytime in human history. There has never been and there never will be. The human society has always been controlled and ruled by a very small minority, which occasionally was challenged and disrupted by another opposite minority. Not the majority. The majority is just followers who would remain inside their home until the winners proclaim and go along to get along with whatever and whoever.

-Have the last three years taught you anything?

As always, the last word id yours folks!

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