1 year ago

FROM THE ARCHIVE- JUAN and DOUG HAGMANN in 2014. A fantastic PRESENTATION where Juan is Introduced as PLUGGED in and Q'd IN and with a TOPIC that Back this long 9 YEARS AGO is still RELEVANT.
This should be Viewed for the INFORMATION that JUAN has known and Talked about for many years. Doug Hagmann is still doing shows at this website https://www.hagmannreport.com/
The Continuation of the Program THINK BIG ENOUGH with Part Two. The story of the Canaanites and the discussion that JUAN reveals in this Presentation, has been brought forward with research Juan did with Jewish and Muslim Scholars. This is the Biblical context that he now has embellished with other details and with current events. The Time of Noah and the time of Abraham. Where this world has been not managed by God's Children but by those that want us DEAD. MAKE A DIFFERENCE. In the end we WIN. And where has that been said before? GOD WINS. PRAY like you have never PRAYED before. And get out and talk to those that will LISTEN of the LONG HISTORY of Corruption that we will ALL have to tell. SOON. Praise GOD we are Now here to HELP.

Yet, however weak our country may be, I hope we shall never sacrifice our liberties. If, therefore, on a full and candid discussion, the proposed system shall appear to have that tendency, for God’s sake, let us reject it! But, let us not mistake words for things, nor accept doubtful surmises as the evidence of truth. Let us consider the Constitution calmly and dispassionately, and attend to those things only which merit consideration. Alexander Hamilton, Speech on the Compromises of the Constitution 1788

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