Best & Worst Handheld Gaming Experiences | Nintendo | Sega | Atari

1 year ago

Ever since diving into the GBA SP Modding scene, I've really started to get into handheld gaming again. But what are some of my favorite handheld experiences? What about my least favorite? Well, in this Short I share what are the Best and Worst Handheld Gaming Experiences for me. Your results may differ, and that's ok.

Nintendo Game Boy
Where would we be without the GOAT? This system had so many things going for it, great battery life, an amazing library of games, stereo head phones, and multiplayer, it was so good! Plus it had the greatest pack-in title of all time, Tetris. I don't like the screen as much now, but man, this is a classic!

Game Boy Advance SP
The GBA SP is one of my favorite handheld systems of all time. It played Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance games, and once you got to the AGS-101, the screen was amazing. The modding community has really launched into things with this system, taking it to the next level. Thanks to this I've fallen in love with the GBA SP all over.

Atari Lynx
Atari did so many weird things that could have worked but never did, and the Lynx is a perfect example. It has a terrible screen and frame rate, and also eats batteries like crazy. I legit never play mine, and that's sad.

Sega Game Gear
Basically a portable Master System, the Game Gear was technologically better than the Game Boy in every way, except the library and battery life. The full-color screen looked great but also devoured batteries like the Lynx, and the games looked great though and it felt next-generation. I have a Game Gear but I rarely, if ever, play it.

Tiger Handheld Games
I know there are people that love and collect these, I am not one of them. I have never liked the Tiger Games, with their LCD stop-motion display, janky controls, and poor gaming experience. These were here to rip off kids.

Steam Deck
Since my video where I discussed why I am not buying a Steam Deck I've since held one and messed around with it and, well, it's still not for me. I don't think it's very comfortable, the sticks are smooth but I don't like the placement, and the buttons are not any better than the Switch. For me this continues to be a hard-pass. Speaking of the Switch...

Nintendo Switch Lite
When it comes to handheld gaming the Switch Lite is great. I do wish they'd update the system with an OLED display and the enhanced speakers from the Switch OLED, but that will likely be the next generation of systems. It's great that the Switch Lite can play many of the best games for the Game Boy, GBA, and GBC, and unlike the dockable Switch, it has a proper D-Pad.

#HandheldGames #NintendoSwitch #SteamDeck #GameBoy #GBA #TigerElectronics #SwitchLite #Nintendo #Sega #SegaGameGear #Atari #AtariLynx

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