US New Hybrid Navy #usnavy #americannavy #usa

1 year ago

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The United States Navy is set to embrace the era of unmanned vessels, with plans to deploy an extensive fleet of uncrewed vessels that boast the ability to jam electronics, spy on faraway activities, and coordinate the flow of fighting. The revelation was made by Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Michael Gilday, who explained that the Navy has already commenced work on the realization of this futuristic concept.

Gilday, who once led Fleet Cyber Command, revealed at the West 2023 conference in San Diego that the Navy is investing heavily in uncrewed systems in the air, on the water, and beneath the surface to augment existing and near-future military might. He explained that the Navy intends to deploy medium unmanned vessels with advanced command-and-control capabilities, electronic warfare capabilities, and cyber capabilities. Gilday emphasized that the work towards achieving this goal is already in progress.

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