Marketing In A Recession - Coffee Talk with The SEO Contractor - 002

1 year ago

Marketing In A Recession: The second video in our Coffee Talk with The SEO Contractor series is based on an article posted on our website in February 2023.

You can read the original article here:

This discussion touches on marketing in a recession, but I'm not claiming we are in one currently. Maybe we are, and many businesses may feel that way. Yet many other businesses might not be feeling the effects. Remember, a depression is when everyone is out of work, and a recession is when your neighbor is out of work. I'm trying to say that not everyone loses in a recession, and that's what I want to focus on.

Recessions are bound to happen as the market always has ebbs and flows. We have had many before, and we will see them again. New businesses start in a recession, old businesses die off, and others make it through to live another day. Unfortunately, no one has a magic formula for running a perfect company.

Luckily our marketing company has worked with many businesses over the past 11-plus years, and we have seen how companies handle both good and bad times. Through our observations, I'd like to offer the below takeaways so we can manage the future by learning from the past.

Watch our team discuss our recommendations for managing digital marketing during a tough economy.

These discussions are encouraged to help business owners and other digital marketers hear multiple perspectives from a team who has helped hundreds of businesses gain traffic from Google search engines.

As SEO specialists, we don't always agree, but we can learn from each other simultaneously. We share the same goal: to help businesses gain traffic by ranking top of Google.

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