The Origins of the Israelites. Part 1 of 7. Dr. Aren Maeir - Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages

1 year ago

The Origins of the Israelites. Part 1 of 7.
Dr. Aren Maeir - Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Nov 14, 2020 Ancient Israel / History / Lectures
This is Part One of a Seven Part Series of Interviews with Jewish Scholar Dr. Aren Maeir Called The Origins of the Israelites by Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
Dr. Aren Maeir covers many of the harder questions concerning everything related to the True History of the Israelites. While he does not give a complete or conclusive answer on many subjects, he does for the most part give an accurate account.
There are some parts that his conclusions are not accurate because he only answers in response to the Bronze Age or the Iron Age. Other considerations such as the influence of Babylon, Assyria and the Zoroastrian Religion leaves many other factors and considerations out of the equation.
Also, his answer about the Genetics of the Israelites and Ashkanazi is not correct. The DNA of the Ashkanazi is predominantly consistent with Easter European Heritage. He does however acknowledge there is a relationship with the Canaanites. He does overlook the Genetic Relationship with the Phoenicians, which is a significant factor.
But for the most part he does agree with what the consensus of Academia agrees upon. Being Jewish, he may have a very slight bias, but he is on Target.
In the first episode of our series on Ancient Israel and also Judah we are joined by Dr. Aren Maeir who guides us into the controversial and heavily debated origin or origins of the Ancient Israelites. He discusses the scholarship on the subject such as: Did the Israelites develop out of the Canaanite populations? Did they migrate in over time? If so, then from where? Or is the answer both? Did natives and migrants eventually come together to form a distinctly different group? We also talk archaeology, ancient DNA, dietary laws, primary sources for the earliest evidence of the Israelites outside of the Bible and so very much more. We also discuss thought provoking topics such as: Is the term Israel derived from a pagan Canaanite deity? How should we view the Old Testament when studying history? Can we use both the term Israelite and Hebrew interchangeably? But as we leave off Dr. Maeir reminds us to be cautious of how we use results from ancient DNA studies while reminding us how often the results get misconstrued.
Support Dr. Maeir and his work at these links! Academia : YouTube Channel : The Tell es-Safi/Gath Archaeological Project Official (and Unofficial) Weblog :
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