COVID-vaccine deaths were raised this week in the Australian Federal Parliament, and dismissed as ‘NONSENSE’!!!

1 year ago

Pfizer's New 80,000-Page Data Dump Is A Nightmare. Pfizer tested their COVID vaccine on 44 rats and then let pregnant women take it. it turns out that Pfizer’s COVID vaccine was not 95% effective: the data shows it has a 12% efficacy rate.
First data from the hidden documents of Pfizer – a huge number of side effects.
PAGE 30 > 38:
Information about the Pfizer vaccine has come out. The official information that had to remain hidden until 2085. The first document has already been published and is 38 pages long. The last 9 pages are the side effects of the vaccine. Nine pages in small print listed reactions one after the other. Reading all the side effects makes a person literate of the presence of so many diseases. Hardly most people have imagined that there are so many diseases and possible reactions. That is why the vaccine leaflets are blank.
Here are a few of the possible side effects in alphabetical order:
Bacterascites; Baltic myoclonic epilepsy; Band sensation;Basedow’s disease; Basilar artery thrombosis; Basophilopenia; B-cell aplasia; Behcet’s syndrome;Benign ethnic neutropenia; Benign familial neonatal convulsions; Benign familial pemphigus; Benign rolandic epilepsy; Beta-2 glycoprotein antibody positive; Bickerstaff’s encephalitis; Bile output abnormal; Bile output decreased; Biliary ascites; Bilirubin conjugated abnormal; Bilirubin conjugated increased; Bilirubin urine present; Biopsy liver abnormal; Biotinidase deficiency; Birdshot chorioretinopathy; Blood alkaline phosphatase abnormal; Blood alkaline phosphatase increased; Blood bilirubin abnormal; Blood bilirubin increased; Blood bilirubin unconjugated increased; Blood cholinesterase abnormal; Blood cholinesterase decreased; Blood pressure decreased; Blood pressure diastolic decreased; Blood pressure systolic decreased; Blue toe syndrome; Brachiocephalic vein thrombosis; Brain stem embolism; Brain stem thrombosis; Bromosulphthalein test abnormal; Bronchial oedema;Bronchitis; Bronchitis mycoplasmal; Bronchitis viral; Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis allergic; Bronchospasm; BuddChiari syndrome; Bulbar palsy; Butterfly rash.

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