MR. NON-PC - The Scummy IRS Coming After The Service Industry

1 year ago

I'm not sure if anyone has heard yet, but the IRS is now going after waiters and waitresses and requesting they report their income from tips. Big suprise right? The scummy IRS shaking down more working class people for the little bit of money they're able to make.

I recently met a waitress (who was based and on my level) and she was disgusted and repulsed by the scummy IRS's plan to deplete her and the rest of the hardworking service industry of their hard earned money!

How much lower can our satanic U.S Government get? Going after waiters and waitresses that make only $2.83 per hour here in PA and work off low!

Just when you thought our evil Government couldn't get worse....ohhhhhh mannnnn, they drop that bottom out just a little bit lower!!!!

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