PEACE News & Views Ep63 with Ajia Mae Moon

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PEACE News & Views Ep63 with Ajia Mae Moon

Ajia Mae Moon has been working the grassroots industry for over a decade. Organizing events, launching magazines, and spreading the education through advocacy wherever she goes.
Three Happy Cats Entertainment has teamed up with Vancouver 420 for a multi-day event to bring in the 420 celebrations in 2023
This year's annual celebration and protest is including a cannabis cup on the evening of the 19th, taking place at The New Amsterdam Cafe. A cannabis Cup in the heart of Vancouver featuring Johnny B (John Berfelo) Remo, & Merkules
On the 20th at noon its protest day, with a march to protest injustice in the current system implemented in Canada, highlighted with a 61lb joint passing through the crowds. Later that evening they are hosting 420 After Dark at the Enso Event Center. A gathering with music, Afro Man and fun for all who attend

Kim first met Ajia in Vancouver while covering the M.O.M. Cup several years ago. We look forward to discussing events from days gone by as well as learning about this years amazing plans for the 2023 Vancouver 420 event

Join us this week for our episode of PEACE News & Views with Ajia Mae Moon on NOK Network

#PEACEnewsandviews #NOKnetwork #WeedyWednesdays #vancouver420 #ThreeHappyCats

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