Daily Chess play - 1332 - I give you my Queen so you give me yours XD

1 year ago

First game, I let his Knight go through on c4 and I end up losing a pawn and a Rook. I take back a pawn on g7. I get a hanging Knight on f6. After more trades, we end up even on move 28 but I am a slight worse positon, at least that's how I feel. I blunder my Queen on d5, move 30 and then he blunders his Queen on g5 soon after. I lose as his pawns are closer to my side.

Second game, I make a mistake a lose a Knight for free. He then sacrifices his Bishop for 2 pawns so we end up kind of even. I make another bad trade losing an extra Bishop. I lose on time but really I couldn't do much as my Rook got forked at the end as well.

Third game, Opponent up 2 pawns early on. I take the pawns back and remain in an aggresive position. He hangs his Knight on a3. I take a pawn on e4 and threaten to take more. He resigns.

I think I am getting worse at the game but good enough to be more critical of myself XD. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

#chess #endlessgaming #daily #learning #fork #trade #checkmate #queen #mistakes#blunder #win #errors #hang

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