Hemp THC Banned By DEA Schedule 1

1 year ago

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This came across my desk last night, many of you are already aware of and have used hemp based THC products. In fact I've spoken to many of you who have claimed you like it better than traditional cannabis due to the milder effect. In this episode I rant about the recent scheduling of Hemp THC Delta 8, 9 and THCo.

The News
The DEA a week ago announced the news to the public, it's choice to schedule hemp THC products at the highest category came as a shock to many including myself. As I dove into the articles I couldn't really find a reasonable explanation describing why this was necessary. The legalization of cannabis has been the talk of the country for nearly 3+ years now. Hemp derived products have been protected by the Farm Bill of 2018 so what is the issue exactly.

After digging around I threw my hands up and concluded there isn't any logical reason provided by any of the articles released.

The Info

As I continued to think about the overall decision it was clear to me anyway that the reason may very well be due to the increase in teen use, which shouldn't be surprising. Furthermore it may have something to do with the supposed deaths from fake cannabis all of which fueled by an enormous black market. Whatever the reason it's a bad idea, how can we attempt to legalize cannabis state by state while traditional cannabis remains as a schedule 1 by the DEA and at the same time condemn hemp products to the same fate which cannabis suffered for nearly a century.

The powers that be need to really consider better laws, perhaps a decriminalization federally it would be the best decision all around for everyone, consumers and businesses alike. Banning products don't work it fuels bigger and more violent black markets as we have seen throughout history.

Conclusion Hemp THC Ban

I feel this decision wasn't weighed properly by the DEA, choices like this only do harm to the broader cannabis culture. If cannabis is to be legalized then what's the difference between hemp and cannabis. It seems as though the DEA made a preemptive move to clear the path of all competition for the advancement of cannabis legalization.

What do you think you should leave them down below.

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