#185 Nana Bonsu: Small Biz - Experience to Coaching| Joey Pinz Discipline Conversations #shhorts

2 years ago

#185 Nana Bonsu: Small Biz - Experience to Coaching| Joey Pinz Discipline Conversations

Nana Bonsu is an expert on building business value and developing a plan for success using a systematic approach for measuring and improving the value of a business. More than that, he is a skilled facilitator who helps business owners enable their businesses to thrive without them, thus enabling them to either regain control of their lives or exit their businesses.
He is an advisor who specializes in helping business owners build a great company, not just a big one. He is on a mission to shift the balance of power in favor of small and midsize business owners as they approach their transition. He hosts a popular weekly podcast show that brings together a network of professional advisors and experts to discuss the pressing needs of business owners. In addition, he belongs to a community of advisors who are among the world’s leading thinkers on building company values.

Episode Links:
LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/nmbonsu
Web: www.infhorizons.com
Phone: 240-416-0046
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nanabonsu1/
Free Gift: https://bit.ly/SOP-Guidebook

Joey Pinz Conversations Podcast Information:
• Website: https://www.joeypinz.com
• Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/joeypinz
• Music by Tom Izzo: @wahlsinger https://tomizzomusic.com

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