Episode #17B - Know the culture of the sport; what RDs are taught vs. real world sports nutrition.

1 year ago

Shout out!
1:30 – Jeff Rothschild introduced Charles to the ISSN. Other mentors Tony Ricci EdD, Chris Algieri MS, Corey Peacock PhD and Douglas Kalman PhD RD

Charles Hu Stull joined Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Performance Institute as the Performance Nutrition Manager in 2018. Prior to working at the UFCPI, Charles Stull was the sports dietitian for the UCLA Athletics program. Over the past 5+ years as a sports dietitian Charles has worked with combat sports athletes (MMA, Muay Thai, Boxing) and athletes in professional organizations such as the NFL, LPGA, and USOPC. Charles was also a DI swimmer at American University and carries a seasoned Muay Thai career with over 15 years of competitive experience.

The Sports Science Dudes represents the opinions of the hosts and guests and are not the official opinions of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN), the Society for NeuroSports, or Nova Southeastern University. The advice provided on this show should not be construed as medical advice and is purely an educational forum.
About the Show
Hosted by Jose Antonio PhD
Twitter: @JoseAntonioPhD

Co-host Anthony Ricci EdD
Anthony Ricci | College of Health Care Sciences | NSU (nova.edu)
Twitter: @sportsci_psyDoc

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