Believe in Your Ability (To Create Your Own Version of Extraordinary)

1 year ago

Do you believe in your ability to create your own version of extraordinary?

Are you connected in with the wholeness of you, and are you listening to the call from the unseen world?

Are you devoted to the dream, or are you devoted to what your eyes see in front of you?

It is time for you to awaken to the truth of what you love, and to embody the vision you have for your life.

It is time for you to realize that there is no effort in creating ways to receive.

Today you are invited to unite with your higher self and spend time in the dreaming of your dream.

Today you are invited to give your body the space and time to feel the dream flow through your veins.

Today you are invited to witness the feedback you receive, with open eyes, willing to see the truth of what you are creating.

There is no need to doubt your ability to create.

You are always creating whatever you choose to focus your attention on.

Indecision? \Worry? Afraid you’re going to lose something? You are creating those exact circumstances in your world by focusing on them.

Instead, come within, to the beating of your own beautiful heart.

Focus on what’s possible, open your mind to limitless opportunity, and feel your dream pour through.

What is your dream, and can you FEEL it? Share in the comments.

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