Gaming with ADHD Miniature Showcase 116 #shorts

1 year ago

This week I'm featuring some special mechs for the Miniature Showcase. I had some extra mechs that I was having difficulty finding pilots for so I instead reached out to my friends and asked them to pick a mech and tell me what faction they would like to see them in. I have since titled these the "Totem Mechs" and in my head, the pilots are my friends, so even if they aren't there in person, I can still have them at the table.

Roy is one of those friends that even as he's moved around the world, you just can't forget how good a person they are. He wanted to get my take on a Crusader from the 2nd Legion of Vega in House Kurita to compare to his own paint job. I think I made some interesting choices, but I think they came out well in the end.

#games #battletech #catalystgamelabs #miniature #painting #showcase #marauder #warhammer #clan #elemental #taxi #omni

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