How to Increase Energy. It is all in the Power of the Word ’No’.

1 year ago

In this episode, we chat about the Power of Saying No. We found that when you say no to what doesn't serve you, you'll experience an increase in energy and you'll protect your energy to enable you to drive toward your why!

Join in on the conversation with Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie two other podcasters and artists:

Jessica Libor from the Inspired Painter Podcast and
Katrina Berg from the Candy Colored Studio

If you have a question you'd like us to discuss feel free to email us at

Key Talking Points
When you say no you are preserving your energy to work toward your why.
Be intentional with what your why is and preserve your time toward what matters to you. And say no to what doesn't serve your why.
Saying no is a way of creating boundaries.
You don't want your excellence to suffer. When you spread yourself thin you aren't able to produce the level you want.
Sometimes it is a hard choice.
Jessica talks about How to increase your energy.
trampolining - she listens to some great music and bounces for 15 minutes to gain a ton of energy.
dancing - energizes Jessica for days.
Rachel discovered that what feeds your soul feeds you energy.
Jules loves to do headstands to get her blood flowing differently.
Called Feetup.
What questions should you consider when you need to decide yes or no?
What does your body say?
What is in your gut?
Will this expand your experience?
Take a minute "that's an interesting opportunity, let me get back to you in the morning".
How much energy is the client going to zap from you? Do you need to add a PETA fee (pain in the 'A' fee :) )
Do you like the way the relationship is going?
Set standards as to who you will take on as a client.
Always say no to art scams. Those fabulous emails we all have seen "I can send you a check". "stormed onto your artwork"...
Give it a timeline for what you'll focus on and evaluate it at the end of the timeframe. There may be some trial and error.
Saying no to lowering your prices.
Provide direction to your end-of-year sale/offers.
As an artist, is our job to educate our collectors.

We'd love to hear from you, what questions do you have for us three girls with the gift for gab? Email us at

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