GOD OF WAR - Where to Find All 9 Dragons in God Of War Ragnarok

1 year ago

1. #CrimsonDreadDragon in #GodofWarRagnarok (The Plains)
If players visit The Plains area of the #VanaheimCrater at night, they'll come across an #Ogre banging on a large metal door in the central area. Defeating this Ogre will allow them to open the door, which will eventually lead them to a branching pathway. Taking a left here will lead to a red chest and a battle with a Traveler called #ValitheOathGuard, while sliding through the rocks to the right will take players to The Crimson Dread's lair.
2. The #AshTyrantDragon in God of War Ragnarok (#TheSinkholes)
While exploring The #Sinkholes area of the crater, players will eventually come to a #CelestialAltar. When they do, they'll be attacked by another dragon, though they won't be able to battle it just yet. Before they can do so, they'll first need to complete the Return of the River favor to flood the crater, which will allow them to open the gate to the left of the altar and then use a boat to follow the river to a new area.
3. The #CorpseEaterDragon in God of War Ragnarok (The Jungle)
Upon their arrival at the part of The Jungle with the two angry ogres, players will encounter The Corpse Eater dragon. After it kills one of the ogres, players should take out the other and then look for a grappling point leading to a new area above. They'll need to burn away a bunch of red vines here using Sigil Arrows and the Blades of Chaos, which will allow them to continue forward. Eventually, players will come to a climbable wall, which will lead them straight up to the crater's third and final dragon.
4. The #EverlastingDragon in God of War Ragnarok (#DragonBeach)
After obtaining the Draupnir Spear, players will be able to get their hands on the Mystical Heirloom relic by destroying a block of ice to the southwest of Tyr's Temple on the Lake of Nine in Midgard. If they equip the heirloom and then use it while standing in front of the dragon statue in the Dragon Beach area of Svartalfheim, the statue will come to life and players will come face to face with God of War Ragnarok's secret Dragon boss, The Everlasting.
5. The #PaleOneDragon in God of War Ragnarok (#TheRavenTree)
The last of God of War Ragnarok's five dragons can be fought in Niflheim, though only after players have found and destroyed all 48 of Odin's Ravens. After doing so, they should head to The Raven Tree area of Niflheim, where they'll be confronted by the Raven Keeper boss. Toward the end of this fight, the Raven Keeper will summon a Dragon known as the Pale One, which players will need to defeat before being able to finish her off.
6. #EveryDrake and #Dreki in God of War Ragnar
As well as killing every Dragon in God of War Ragnarok, those hoping to fully upgrade the Dragon Scale armor set will also need to take down three drakes and eight Drekis. Like the Dragons, most of these can be found in the Vanaheim Crater, though there are Drakes and Drekis in other realms too, including Alfheim and Svartalfheim.

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