Helium, the Gateway to the Dark Energy Field

1 year ago

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Helium, The Gateway To The Dark Energy Field

About this Video Article:

[Cerebral] This post was a “Thinking Out Loud” thought process that is intended only as reference. It is Cerebral in nature and should be considered as such.

This Article is being turned into a Video Article in 2023 and will be included in the “2015 Flashback Video Article Playlist” for posterity - While the Article could be completely rewritten to better communicate some of the points within, it is being created and included the way it was written (with some minor edits), primarily to preserve it, and to convey the thought process I was going through at the time it was written, and; obviously, I had not come to the conclusions and realizations that I have now come to.

Helium, the Gateway to the Dark Energy Field
July 11th 2015

There is a definite condition in the Universe of Matter Decaying into more Dark Energy or Space. - Space is Dark Energy, or Zero Point Energy, or Quantum Space, or Quantized Space...

All Space is the record of the convergence and configuration of Energy and Matter, among other things...

When Matter Decays into Dark Energy, it very well may convert to Helium first...

I do not know why or how this mechanic works, but from observations throughout the Universe - all items Decaying tend to release a large amount of Helium...

There is a recent article of a hole in the crust of the Earth where large amounts of Helium3 have been detected recently - also, as atomic transactions occur - large amounts of Helium are detected where Matter is Decaying into Dark Energy...

If all Matter is Decaying into Dark Energy and at EVERY Decay point Helium is detected there is a very strong likelihood that the Decay of Matter into Dark Energy has to transition through some form of Helium...

Now, - I do not condone this concept entirely, but... if thought, - and the thought of God is unquestionably the most powerful, could the mind, could consciousness somehow have control of Helium and the Dark Energy Field and in turn all Matter...

Could One's own consciousness somehow directly impact the behavior of Helium? Could Helium resonate within the conscious existence of Man - and if so could Man be powerful enough to comprehend and control the effect of this thought manifestation:?

And what of the Crystal and the Diamond, or the Dark Crystals Amplification, and Conscious Amplification of the thought process... as all thought and intention is directly linked to reality, could a Diamond, or Dark Crystal, Amplify and convert into reality; ones intentions?

And what if I had, say a Diamond, or Dark Crystal, on a crown rested on my forehead, could my thoughts be amplified into intentions and reality?

I know you are asking yourself at this very moment, "What The Fuck" is this guy talking about - and; at the same time, you are eager to think out of bounds... ( “I could do such and such if only I had a Magic Crystal upon my Crown...”)

Greed and Human Existence dictates no other thought processes... don’t even attempt to fool anyone - you know what you are thinking! The Desire is purely of survival.

How can you continue living; knowing that your intentions, and thought processes can be amplified into reality? - One word - you are not God!

You may think that popular science says it is possible that there are an infinite amounts of you and that every possible decision is a potential gateway to an entire new universe with the probabilities of "just you" slightly different and ever changing - this is not the case - you and your concepts, reality and reason have dictated a path that we are all on and no one single person can modify that or split that into diversions of the one true reality, unless we all do it at the same time and in true and complete control and with total reality and truth... though the Forces That Be ( Or, Powers That Be ) will never admit to, or allow this to happen...

At the end of the day you are in control of your free will, it’s only that reality is dictated to you, and once you wake up from this dictation you will see, that you are in fact, not in control at all and that you are at the will of the Powers That Be - once you realize that, they will know that you know, and will not like you...

(2023 Edit: I lost my train of thought and possibly came to realize some of the really really Dark things that are occurring on this Planet, with a million ideas swirling in my head, I think I just typed it all out as clearly as what I could... This is what came out, and it is being included here as it was stated...)


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