Will You Take the Mark of the Beast?

1 year ago

Jesus is coming back and we need him to stop the murders here. The Mark of Beast is a mandate to function, is put in your body. Your blood is divine under GOD, but the snake wants to add to our DNA to make you his to obey him as a serpent would. You need to become part of the family in worship. You are not wise, and neither am I… only GOD is, yet he can make you wise or dumb for his purpose. Jesus can bring you out of hell! Don’t judge others, as your job, is not theirs. End your sin replacing it with what is right under GOD. Expect pain to gain empathy. Moses was called of GOD to help his people. Get right with GOD, and ask GOD what to do. There is a time if surrounded by evil you will have to pack up and leave. We are in so much trouble we have to prepare. God calls you for a special job, even beyond your religious place of worship. Your job is not the same as others. You are unique. Make a change being obedient and replace the problem with what GOD says to do. Pain brings understanding. Moses got understandng and came back to set his people free. I am called to set my people free from slavery. Noah I meant (not Jonah) built a ship and was laughed at, and so was Joseph for his dream and then sold off. Let us pray. 22.5min.

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