Project Veritas' James O'Keefe Resignation Speech

1 year ago

So I wrote these so I can get the words right is from the heart I want to do this in person with you will not over his team and this is these are intended just for the family here project Veritas is for us to recognize the sense of people but I’m I’m not do that so so is so you read this, try my best to know to the heart I did write these words and I say what’s going on so you journalism is reporting things powerful people want kept hidden for the wrong reasons moral wrongs bad behaviors as journalists were the cost of conscience and is going deeper and deeper exposing limited instruction the life from public view the line that separates good and evil becomes clear not just an institution to investigate within one another throughout my 13 years doing this our mission is a Ball from simply being about exposing the truth cameras something more transcendental hope that’s what we stand here the video for the audience and as we ascended into that higher purpose which I think we all understand that you have we have suffered through triumph and disaster long way in a similar fashion but wrote about the book 1st check was called something so the line that separates the past is not to the states no classes parties but right through every single human heart quote that Linus and becomes more clear the deeper we go investigate powerful sufficient so over the last last few weeks I have felt a lot of despair and what it seemed like people and felt overcome with various motions last few weeks you could set some glimpses of heaven and hell of darkness and light like take away from these is the gratitude that I have for many of most of you and there is such goodness some that I have seen I grateful for that and the generosity and good will instantly build the past so many people I received thousand phone calls from people all over the world concerned about my well-being is going this process I reflected upon my appreciation for many of you what makes us great is that we do this work because we actually believe in it we actually believe in Chuck’s people that we do and with a passion for principal but I know you know we don’t sell out think that’s fair is most with a passion for doing the right thing in a visual way no matter what that’s what binds us I know many of you have experienced this despair alongside me last couple weeks one of you just told me the other day that you go work at Walmart at the night shift so that you could do this during the day that’s what want to be said to me rather than sellout in fact I know this is true for many of you and many more out there who was part of this I remember back in the beginning 13 years ago when I I would have bubblegum don’t think you are around you because I know you said in your Breitbart and my grandmother’s chinchilla I literally had to place a project Veritas sticker on a piece of cardboard that ripped off from my dad cardboard and stick it to a microphone at RadioShack because I had no money to buy flight and this was after experiencing a meteoric high of the story up and I was down and I was broke again I was arrested and then crashed down to meet your low back in the carriage house resorting once again to bubblegum and duct tape to achieve you in your investigation meteoric high I was so broke the screw my name and phone numbers on pieces of paper because had the business cards and so the saga continues back then there were no employees and no budget but I felt the same sensation this week will feel the sensation right now as Steve Jobs once wrote about being fired from Apple the company quote the heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again less sure about everything it freed me to enter with the most creative periods of my life so back that I trust on the back of a stretch limo in DC to guys I was on probation so I could be there but two of my volunteers dressed like Muslim brotherhood fundamentalist arm with hidden cameras project that is 11 for second time a couple of donors eventually became $100,000.13 years later after almost a decade and ½ of the five hour work weeks sometimes traveling hundred days a year I am on the road packing multiple meetings in the day and plenty of blood sweat and tears likes of which I could never possibly external threats and pressure inflicted against myself and some of us has been on imaginable summarized handcuffed by the FBI in two separate occasions told is part of my phones confiscated and private information the New York Times being placed on effective house arrest for three years between May 2010 in May 2013 being sued dozens of times being served two separate criminal grand jury subpoenas New Hampshire in the last 10 years getting pursued in a high-speed chase by a New Jersey education union official on Interstate 80 in Passaic deposed many times suffered through mediation with insurance companies they had all of our emails but they evidently didn’t have anything on me in my home

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